Sorry about the order of events in this post- I'm not very organized if you couldn't already tell that.
Hey, makes for a good abstract artist.
I'm a very random, unorganized, and non-OCD person anyway- except for certain things.... like in photography, the subject CANNOT CANNOT CANNOT be in the middle of the frame or I will go completely bonkers. It's just me. ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On the happy side, I did manage to convince my mom to let me use our never-used, light, airy, beautiful guest room as my sewing room! Here are some random pictures of me "moving in" :D Don't ask why I put these. I have no idea.

Another unorganized piece of information:
Although, from that beautiful shirt, although I failed on the camera strap part of it, I did manage to harvest a beautiful piece of lace, which I put to good use decorating the front cover of the journal that I mentioned (and had a picture of) a few posts ago. But does anyone actually READ this???!!! Nope. Too bad!
Hey look! Blogger will let me write in this space between the pictures although now there's not much left... ANYWAY!! I continue!!!!!
yep, that's all I'm taking- one small suitcase, one small backpack, and my laptop.
Pretty depressing for two weeks in Europe, right?
I'm fine with it- I have lots of convertible outfits.
And anyway, we only get ONE carry on for the trip directly to France (then we fly to England), and it has to be less than 10 pounds!!! EEK!
Look! I have some more empty space!!! What shall I say? There's too much in my brain to filter it, and anyway, it's gone now...............................
I've decided to show you a few corners of my room. This is right below my mirror, and right above my... dressing table? Whaddo ya call THAT? IDK. It has my hair stuff on it. Yeah. I'll shut up.Anyway, I made these little handy-dandy hair-stuff hooks with ribbon and hoop earrings! The middle one is missing, as it is in one of the bags shown above :) Just take a thumbtack and stab it through a ribbon, then tie a bow around it and stick it in the wall! Handy, right?
These are the two favorite items in my room, both given to me by my aunt- my mustache mirror sticky things, and my mini Chinese lanterns! Thanks Aunt Jen :)
Huh, nice aperture in that one...... :D
And finally, my masterpiece. I just made this BEAUTIFUL camera slipcover this morning from plain fabric- isn't it awesome??!! And comfortable too!
If you can't already tell, I'm kinda psyched for Europe. Very, very, very, very psyched.
I'll try to post every night with pictures and stuff, but that might not happen, noting our busy schedule. BUT- on the way there tonight, we will see the sun rise probably over the ocean.... or Spain.... but whatever. So I should be getting stunning pictures of that! I will not be posting tonight or tomorrow probably though, so sorry :)
Great stuff.
I'm leaving now.
I love this post - it is so cute and I could simply hear you in my head as I read your post. SO cute! I love you!