Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Art Journaling 101

Art journaling is so much fun, I don't even know how to say how much I love it.

Basically, you get an hardback book (rather old, but not so old the pages are falling out) with a nice cover, and you paint/draw/make art in it.

I use Treasure Island, a nice but cheap copy that my mom got from a book sale a few years ago and has been sitting downstairs on the shelf ever since (no one has read it). It has a red ribbon for a bookmark, too, which can come in handy.

Here are some examples of my art journaling.

Photo on 2-25-13 at 4.25 PM #2 Photo on 2-25-13 at 4.26 PM

I also, as you can see, write little quotes, memos, or word pictures. Very fun stuff, I tell you. So I recommend getting a book and starting to paint/draw/make art. Be creative!



  1. NO WAY!!! i just started mine three weeks ago :) it is what i have been doing almost every afternoon!!!! i wish you still lived here….. then we could get together and do it :) (you guys need to visit)

  2. Awesome! Yeah, it's a sort of new thing to me too, but I LOVE it! Yeah, that'd be fuuuuun…. oh, well. We're coming for easter but i don't know if we'll see you because we're not coming to Kingsway… :(

  3. aaawwww sad. your pages look beautiful though :) keep up the good work.
