Sunday, February 24, 2013

Funny Story...

Funny story, hehe......

At a babysitting job yesterday from 4-6. I get home and walk in, expecting to see my dog assaulting me from the floor, so I looked down. Instead I am met with a scream from about 32 people, "Surprise!" 

Scared me to death.

Turns out, even the babysitting job was a set-up. My kind mother took ten dollars from my own wallet and gave it to the mother to pay me. 

But, I cannot complain. That party was the best part of my entire birthday so far (the rest has not happened yet). Thanks so much to my wonderful sister who planned most of it. Thanks to all my wonderful friends who were at it.

I love you guys!



  1. You're face was hilarious! You looked so scared! Haha! Had fun meeting some of your friends!

  2. I saw a picture on Facebook look like fun 😃

  3. Your face!!! OMGosh!!!!! haha! So glad I could be there :)
