Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Isaac's geeky ramble variety show power hour extravaganza reality drama special!

I now hand the mic to Isaac Lewis, the first contest winner to send me his guest post.




My name's Isaac.
This is my blog post, if you haven't noticed. Today I'm going to talk about geeky things. This blog claims to be a place of geeky ramblings, but there was only one post that actually discussed geeky topics (it was about the biggest thing in the universe).

Topic 1: Physics.
So Schroedinger and Heisenberg are driving in a car. Heisenberg is driving, and they get pulled over. The cop asks him "do you know how fast you were going?!" And he says "no, but I can tell you exactly where I was."
So then the cop considers this strange answer grounds for a search. So he searches the car and finds a dead cat in the trunk, and he says to Schroedinger "Do you know that there's a dead cat in the trunk?!" And Schroedinger replies "Well I know now."
What you don't know what that means? Ugh. Here Heisenberg and Schroedinger.
Okay, I have one more physics joke. So a Higgs boson walks into a Catholic church and the priest says "we don't allow your kind here, you call yourself The God Particle, that's sacrilegious!" And the Higgs boson says back "if you don't allow the Higgs boson, how do you have mass?"

Topic 2: Nerdy Music.

When it comes to nerd music there are nearly countless options, the whole genres of Nerdcore and Wizard Rock obviously fall into this category. But I'm here to talk about my three favorites, in no particular order.
Hank Green.
He's the guy you saw in the video above about Schroedingers cat. He is a veteran and MVP YouTuber. Him and his brother John together are the Vlogbrothers, a duo that inspired the online community of Nerdfighteria. John is a best selling author, and Hank(among many many other things) is a musician who writes nerdy music. Listen to his song Strange Charm.
Weird Al.
Weird Al is THE nerd musician. He's been spewing out hit parodies as well as originals since the 80s. He needs no description more than his music can speak for him. Just listen to as much of it as you can.
Jonathan Coulton.
I am a more recent fan of his work, so I may not be able to give a very detailed background, but I'll try. Making albums since 2003, Coulton first attained mainstream success in 2006-7 when he released four albums in close vicinity and wrote the humorous credit song for the cult classic video game Portal, called 'Still Alive'. However, in recent news he was blatantly plagiarized by the sub-par Fox television show Glee. In one of his 2006 releases, he covered Sir Mixalots 1990s hip hop classic "Baby Got Back" with an original melody and arrangement, featuring banjos and guitar. Recently, Glee covered this song, with the same melody and arrangement as Coulton's original cover, yet giving Coulton no attribution or compensation whatsoever. Coulton commented "classy", in reference to Fox's actions(via Twitter). I would suggest you listen to his song Re:Your Brains or The Future Soon.

Topic 3: Isaac's Narcissistic Spontaneity
I am awesome. That's what got me here. You don't get on Ashley's blog easily. I took an awesome picture (that should have WON) and I got to write an awesome post. So you should give me the respect my apparent awesomeness has won--nay--earned! Follow my on twitter @Guysaac, and on Tumblr, and my blog I'm also on numerous other social media websites as Guysaac. Follow/friend/subscribe/like me on all of them. And for the love of Gonzo stop using Pinterest.

Isaac out!


  1. hahahaha Isaac you're ego is a little.... umm... over-rated... lol :D

  2. "I know you love me"-Justin Bieber

  3. [...] Two days of warmth and happiness amid two months of ice cold pain and suffering. I hate winter. With a burning passion, so hot that you would think it might keep me warm. But alas, winter is so desolate and dead and bitterly cold that fire of my hatred toward it is rendered ineffective. However, I realized recently that there is a part of winter that I greatly enjoy. That is the rare but guaranteed flirt with springtime. These lovely little bursts are the closest I come to appreciating the contrastive benefit of Winter. Most people say that spring and summer would be worthless without something to base them off of. I think this is a load of crap, in the (paraphrased) words of Hazel from The Fault in Our Stars, the existence of broccoli in no way effects the taste of ice cream. I don’t enjoy Spring because I’m comparing it to winter, I enjoy spring because it is accelerating to the greatness of summer. However, these occasional bursts of warmth are not leading up to anything. They are enjoyable almost exclusively because they are better than the alternative. This past day was 65 degrees, and the day before was warm and sunny as well. Last week was so cold that sodas we kept in the garage were filled with ice crystals. Immediately following this harsh cold and the snow accompanying it, was a lively and heated pair of days. I took runs and bike rides to enjoy them and even took this pretty picture which won me a post on my friends blog. [...]
