So.... Another contest.
Here's a little backstory, first of all. I'm teaching 2 little girl ballet camps (3-5, 5-8 year olds) this summer. First of all, tell your friends! Have them email me at if they want more information, please! The 3-5 year old ballet camp is princess themed, and the 5-8 year old camp is nature (flower/rainbow, etc) themed. We'll be doing crafts, ballet, and snack.
So here's the contest-
Craft ideas. I need as many princess and nature craft ideas as possible! The top two win- one for each category- and you'll get a guest post! So please start emailing them in to ASAP!!!
You can submit as many as you want, in either category, and I'll judge them and pick my favorites.
So hurry and send 'em in! Don't you want that guest post?