Wednesday, November 21, 2012

EBA: A Very Strange Dream

In the case of having nothing to write about, I've decided to give you all a window into my dreaming life. Before you begin, let me warn you- I never have a normal dream. Don't judge me from what my mind makes up when I'm asleep, alright? PS. Some of you might not know the people in this dream. If so, disregard this post.

Without further ado, The Strangest New York Trip of My Life.

We were going to NYC for the Lancaster Academy’s trip to see the Broadway show (we go every year). My buddy was Maggie Becker. We went to see the 9/11 memorial, and there was a HUGE wall that had LOTS of names on it. I said, “Is that the people that died?” Rachel Newswanger came up and said “No, you stupid person, that’s the wall where the dead people from other countries are written. THAT’S the wall where the names of the people that died are written.” And there was a wall that was really tiny and had four names on it. There was a shallow man-made river that was part of it that you had to walk down. I had my camera in my bag without a camera case. Suddenly these waves started coming, and one knocked over Euan, who was next to us. He came back up fine, but he was all wet so I started worrying about my camera. Then a wave came and knocked me over. It got my whole bag soaked, and I thought I had lost my camera, but then I found it in my purse and it was dry. And then my bag started drying as soon as I got up out of the water. Mrs. LaSala was standing on this bridge and we were right in front of it so she saw the whole thing and she was yelling at us to get out because the sharks were coming! So we did. Then we went to this big building (no idea what it was) that was really skinny and tall. All it was was a big rectangular prism with stairs winding up it.  And we all split up and went in the building. My group was me, Maggie Becker, Matthew Wilhelm, and Megan. And Matthew was in a black jumpsuit thing with guns on it. We were going up the huge stairs that went all the way to the top. The stairs were the building with walls around them and there were little landings where, on every floor, there was a man who looked the same on every floor giving out tests to adults who looked really scared. And on every floor Matthew dramatically pulled out his gun and said “Get behind me!” And one time we hid behind a wall and listened to the man and he was saying how if they didn’t ace the tests he would kill them. Then he saw us and turned all nice and said “Hello, what can I help you with? Would you like to take these easier tests for kids?” and handed us all pink ones. And we said no thanks and went back downstairs. Then I woke up.

So yes. You have now seen through a window into my mind. What a weird night that must have been...........



  1. My favorite part was "Get behind me!" that was funny

  2. haha, yes, but it would be more funny if you knew the person :)
