Monday, December 31, 2012

Friday, December 28, 2012

Les Miserables

Les Miserables.... was.... GREAT!!!! It was completely not what I was expecting, which was a movie that actually had.........


Les Mis was ALL songs. They probably said ten words in the whole movie. Yet, it wasn't cheesy or overdone. Hugh Jackman, starring as Jean Valjean, had a very vibrattoey, but strong voice. Russel Crowe, playing the part of Javert, had an amazing voice, but didn't, in my opinion, show enough passion in his singing. Amanda Seyfried, as old Cosette, had an amazing soprano voice, but was really ugly....... :) Samantha Banks, as Eponine, had an amazing alto voice, and was also really pretty! But Anne Hathaway, as Fantine, absolutely stole the show with I Dreamed A Dream. She made me get the biggest goose bumps in the whole show (and I had a lot).

So altogether I loved the show. After getting the entire Broadway soundtrack, it was amazing. Listening to it right now!

I would recommend this movie to above 12, due to one raunchy scene.


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Best of Pinterest

Here are some of my favorite pictures from Pinterest- sort of my lazy post... Sorry, I haven't posted in a while. I'll try harder!!!




ballerine eiffel pc

There ya go :)

PS. I'm quitting Somnolent Saturday and Frugal Friday. Sorry..... :P
